Hiroshi Sugimoto, sea-scapes, sea-change

Hiroshi Sugimoto, sea-scapes, sea-change

Full fathom five thy father lies;
Of his bones are coral made;
Those are pearls that were his eyes:
Nothing of him that doth fade

continue... 13 August 2011 // Photography
les reconstitutions, les reconstitutions, les reconstitutions

les reconstitutions, les reconstitutions, les reconstitutions

HE: You saw nothing in Hiroshima.

SHE: I saw everything. Everything.

[caption id="attachment_2281" align="aligncenter" width="550" caption="Hiroshima Peace Memorial - Genbaku Dome, 2008"][/...

continue... 06 August 2011 // Movies, Photography
Japan, above the clouds, views on the forest of water

Japan, above the clouds, views on the forest of water

Telling the story like this, I feel like I'm talking about someone else, he said with a chuckle, then fell silent.

And when it was ...

continue... 04 August 2011 // Photography